Shoulder pain due to Lateral sleeping (sleeping in the side-lying position):

Most of the people have habit of sleeping in the side-lying position; they say “I can’t go to sleep without side-lying”. But do you know; it can be hazardous to your Shoulder? Let me explain! How? Lateral sleeping / side-lying sleeping can give rise to shoulder impingement symptoms. People on the risk are: 1) Those who have kyphotic posture (forward bent posture/ slouch kind of posture). 2) Diabetic patients. 3) People with vitamin B12 and calcium deficiency. 4) Those who get recurrent shoulder dislocation/ laxity. 5) Hemiplegics/ paralysis cases. 6) A patient with collie’s fracture (wrist fracture) has a tendency to sleep in one side. Clinical examination may show: 1) Posterior capsule tightness of the respected Shoulder joint. 2) Weak Infraspinatus muscle. 3) Supraspinatus tendonosis—weakness. 4) Tenderness nearby corachoid process may give a false picture of bicipital tendonosis. [Here abduction- downward rotation and protraction of the scapula gives rise to pectoralis minor tightne...