
Showing posts from 2011

Back pain reduction tips

Back-pain reduction tip #1: Make sure your client is running on the balls of their feet, not their heels. Runners injure themselves all the time, suffering calf muscle strain, Achilles tendonitis, patellofemoral pain – and, of course, lower back pain. Now, a new running technique invented by Russian scientist Nicholas Romanov, "pose running," can reduce injury-causing strain. Among the pose-running principles Romanov advocates: Hit the track only with the balls of your feet ... NOT your heels. Raise your ankle straight up under your hip, using your hamstrings. Keep shoulders, hips, and ankles in vertical alignment ... and use a short stride. Back-pain reduction tip #2: Quick pain relief for ankylosing spondylitis patients. Ankylosing spondylitis (AS) is a chronic inflammatory disease that can cause pain ... and decrease mobility in the spine. While there's no cure, an active lifestyle and regular exercise program can help reduce the pain and inflammation. If you have a pa

polycentric hinge knee brace for bow legs


When is tennis elbow not tennis elbow?

Tennis elbow is a real clinical entity otherwise known as lateral epicondylitis. It is a pathology which involves the tendons of the wrist extensors as they join the humerus up around the elbow. The true tennis elbow is characterised initially by inflammation of the tendon which then progresses onto ‘degeneration’ of the tendon. Most of these conditions that involve ‘white tissues’ such as tendons take a long long time to heal as the blood supply is poor and healing rates are notoriously slow. I am seeing two patients at the moment, one has had the problem 9 months and the other 3 months. True tennis elbow tends to target not just tennis players but anyone who occupationally uses grip strength a lot. Typical occupations include carpenters, painters, mothers of new born children and weight lifters. The main long term treatment aim is the same as the other tendon degeneration injuries such as Achilles and patella tendons – eccentric loading of the tendon.

Exercises after ankle sprain & planter fascitis

Always do hot fomentation after exercises.

Chitra Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation Centre: core stabilization exercises

Chitra Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation Centre: core stabilization exercises

core stabilization exercises


Matrix Rhythmus Therapy centres in Maharashtra

Solapur- 5 centres(private) Dr.Sandip Bhagwat ,Dr.Manisha Talpallikar,Dr.Joshi(ortho)[rest list unavailable] Kolhapur-1 centre(private) Dr.Pranjali Dhamne Pune-4 centres(private)& 2 centres(hospitals) Dr.Praween Patil, Dr.Mandar Dhermadhikari, Dr.Shirish Birajdar, Dr. Marathe(ortho) Noble hospital;Hadapsar,Ruby hall;Pune station. Parbhani-1 centre (private)[unique centre in marathwada] Dr.Nikhil Kendrekar Mumbai-4 centres Dr.Parakh,Mr.Srungarpure,Mr.Anil Deshpande(rest unavailabe) Akola-1 centre(private) Dr.Milind Chaudhary(ortho),Chaudhary hospital for contacting any of these centres & to get their numbers mail at

Neck exercises


Preventive exercises for computer professionals


Exercises for elbow pain/Tennis elbow

do these exercises regulery. take a 5 min break & do the exercises.

Theraband knee exercises

plz do 5 repetations of each with 5 sec hold. if u get muscle soreness, ice application is advisable.

Some exact indications; where MATRIX THERAPY is useful

Orthopedic: • Painful conditions of joints • Back Pain, Neck / cervical pain • Knee pain • Frozen Shoulder,• Elbow, wrist pain • Post traumatic stiffness (stiffness of muscle & joints after accidents or fractures) • Ankylosing spondylitis • Carpel tunnel syndrome, • Ankle, heel, foot pain• Ligament and meniscal injuries• Fibromyalgia, • Osteoporosis, osteoarthritis • Improvement of flexibility and stretch ability e.g. as in the case of pes equines, scar tissue, adhesions, contracture, posture damage • Tension, spasticity, stress in the joint capsules • Regeneration of the fine vascular system as in ulcus cruris, cellulite or varicose veins • Faster regeneration in the case of illnesses of a chronic degenerative character like rheumatism,• phantom pain• Acute & chronic pain like migraine • Reduction of oedema• Reduced mobility, e.g. after accidents & surgery Sports: Acute pain and sprain keeps sports person away from the field……Matrix therapy is helpful in various sports rel

acute improvement in trunkal spasticty post MATRIX THERAPY single session

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SWELLING in the forefoot(h/osprain)before& after single matrix session

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Some biggest injury risks in gym

Deadlift The first in our series of gym injuries is the deadlift. The basic aim of the deadlift is to lift a weight from the floor up to the hips, then lower it again while bending from the hips and knees. Deadlifting is commonly used to develop overall body strength and as a result is extremely popular. It requires the use of almost every muscle group in the body and is particularly useful for: 1.General body conditioning 2.Sports that require a large expression of muscular strength and power 3.Shoulder rehabilitation (due to the fact the exercise requires a considerable amount of scapular control) The Injury Risk: The areas most susceptible to injury due to incorrect lifting technique include: Lumbar Spine ,Shoulder ,Cervical Spine. Dips: Due to most of us having tight pectoralis minor (normally due to poor scapular position caused by poor posture), when we perform deep dips, the tendency is for the scapula to move into an ‘anterior tilt’ direction at the bottom of the movement. This

acute results of frozen shouler by Matrix Therapy


b specific in shoulder exercises

infraspinatus strengthening. scapula sets with & without theraband. supraspinatus strengthening. IMP NOTE: the above exercise should be practiced by the patient under guidance of a physiotherapist.


MATRIX RHYTHM THERAPY The matrix rhythm therapy deals with the free vibrations of the body which have a quite certain rhythm with healthy people. The inventor of this matrix rhythm therapy (Dr. Randoll) has himself with these vibrations in the body occupiedly and especially with the rhythms in the muscle, nerves and bone cells. A frequency of 8-12 Hz consists in the cells and in the room between the cells of the body with healthy people. These frequencies are changed by a traumatic or any pathological process. It is the aim now to attain this standard frequency of 8-12 Hz again. This matrix rhythm device works exactly in this frequency domain and tries to produce the harmonious mechano-magnetic oscillations at microcelluer level & we get to see changes at macroscopic level i.e. improvement in the disease/trauma. Indicatioons of MATRIX-RHY-THE: 1) stiff joints-muscles after trauma, fracture operation/plaster immobilizaion, degenerative disease/arthritis,Ankylosing spondylosis, bed r