
Showing posts from September, 2011

Back pain reduction tips

Back-pain reduction tip #1: Make sure your client is running on the balls of their feet, not their heels. Runners injure themselves all the time, suffering calf muscle strain, Achilles tendonitis, patellofemoral pain – and, of course, lower back pain. Now, a new running technique invented by Russian scientist Nicholas Romanov, "pose running," can reduce injury-causing strain. Among the pose-running principles Romanov advocates: Hit the track only with the balls of your feet ... NOT your heels. Raise your ankle straight up under your hip, using your hamstrings. Keep shoulders, hips, and ankles in vertical alignment ... and use a short stride. Back-pain reduction tip #2: Quick pain relief for ankylosing spondylitis patients. Ankylosing spondylitis (AS) is a chronic inflammatory disease that can cause pain ... and decrease mobility in the spine. While there's no cure, an active lifestyle and regular exercise program can help reduce the pain and inflammation. If you have a pa

polycentric hinge knee brace for bow legs


When is tennis elbow not tennis elbow?

Tennis elbow is a real clinical entity otherwise known as lateral epicondylitis. It is a pathology which involves the tendons of the wrist extensors as they join the humerus up around the elbow. The true tennis elbow is characterised initially by inflammation of the tendon which then progresses onto ‘degeneration’ of the tendon. Most of these conditions that involve ‘white tissues’ such as tendons take a long long time to heal as the blood supply is poor and healing rates are notoriously slow. I am seeing two patients at the moment, one has had the problem 9 months and the other 3 months. True tennis elbow tends to target not just tennis players but anyone who occupationally uses grip strength a lot. Typical occupations include carpenters, painters, mothers of new born children and weight lifters. The main long term treatment aim is the same as the other tendon degeneration injuries such as Achilles and patella tendons – eccentric loading of the tendon.

Exercises after ankle sprain & planter fascitis

Always do hot fomentation after exercises.