dr.kendrekar's knee protocol

LKnee pain is the most disturbing problem in our community & its growing day by day with sidentary lifestyle. The common conditions with knee pain are- 1) Osteoarthritis knee. 2) Ligament injury. 3) Patellofemoral pain. OA knee is the commonest condition occurs after 40 to 50 years of age in men & women. Knee pain is because of degeneration of knee joint mainly contains erosion of articular structures, which in turn decreases the joint space & thus mobility. Ligament injury can occur in men, women & sports person. A partial injury creats knee pain, reduces if treated. A complete ligament loss Causes knee pain for shorter periode, later only on exertion; if not treated properly patients lands up with early Osteoarthritis knee. Patellofemoral pain can occur in adults or children, men & women. In first stage pain occurs in stair climbing or squatting, In later stages pain becomes persistant. Persistant pain is because of erosion of articular structures & he...